So excited I could burst

Hey Reader,

I used to try to do it all. Hell, in many ways, I still do.

I actually had a call yesterday with a potential vendor whom I may hire to help me grow this whole wild vision I have for PYP and as I talked through the entire business, at one point he stopped and said, "Wait, how do you do all of this on your own?!"

I mostly laughed but partly groaned because he's right. It's a lot. And it's exhausting.

While I've done it mostly on my own for a while now, I've been getting a little help putting it all together and making the experience in PYP more valuable.

And I'm really freaking excited to share with you, some big, joyous and exciting news.

Remember that brilliant, beautiful, Dr. Monica to whom I introduced you last week?

The woman who:

  • Creates systems & automations that streamline operations?
  • Has multiple masters degrees including an MBA?
  • Also has her PhD in Instructional Design?
  • Is delightfully neurodivergent?
  • Is 100% adorable?

Yep, Dr. Monica has officially signed on to become Power Your Platform's Chief Operating Officer.

Monica is already helping me level up the operations and systems that run PYP to create a better overall experience for our students and drive revenue for the company.

This is particularly important because we have plans to do some big, wild things over the coming months.

Plus, she will be joining PYP as an instructor to help students not just make more money, but free up their time to do the work they truly love and leave the process grunt work to automations and robots.

I genuinely can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for her. She is an absolute whiz at everything I struggle with. And every conversation with her I leave smarter, calmer, and more inspired.

Get ready for some big changes around here and say a big fat welcome to Dr. Monica!!!!

In love and growth,

P.S. Tonight is your last chance to join Dr. Monica's Course Creator Sprint. And since you're in the PYP family, you get 20% off automatically with that link.

Want to go deeper?

Learn the stupid simple framework for writing content that generates leads? This workshop got 4.9 ⭐️ from attendees. Plus, you'll get my profitable profiles bonus which will teach you to turn your LinkedIn profile into a high-conversion sales page for your business.

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

4207 SE Woodstock blvd #300 , Portland, OR 97202
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