⚡️PYP: Is reposting worth it?

Hey Reader,

You might remember my series, Ask Kasey, where I answered questions from my subscribers, my audience, and my clients.

I launched this for a few reasons:

  1. I thoroughly enjoy helping people get to that next level in life and business
  2. If one person has the question, usually hundreds more do too.
  3. I know that by showing you how I can help, you’ll be more likely to want to work with me
  4. You all give me FABULOUS content ideas

So, I’m bringing the series back. And we’re starting with a question I got in the DMs and a public post from Bob Sagun.

BTW Bob is also the person who let me blow his mind about the power of commenting, immediately started actively engaging online and
had some incredible results — impressions, follows, and even calls booked.

Bob asked:

I shared my answer in the comments of his post, but wanted to expand on them here.

Disclaimer: It is extraordinarily stupid of me to be honest about this because I substantially benefit when people repost my content, but I can’t help but be honest here.

Is reposting worth it?

No, not really. Not for you as the reposter. People won’t really notice that you reposted — even the person who originally created the content — and reposting won’t build your brand because, unless you include seriously insightful comments with it, a repost alone says absolutely nothing about you, your expertise, or your values.

The only activities that matter on LinkedIn are the ones that help people get to know, like, and trust YOU.

  • What you know
  • What you stand for
  • How you’re different
  • Where you want to go
  • How you can help them
  • Why you do what you do
  • What you’ve been through
  • Where you are coming from
  • Why they should want to know you

So if something doesn’t do any of those things, don’t waste your time.

  • Not with meaningless comments
  • Not with inauthentic content
  • Not with generic, templates
  • Not with empty platitudes
  • Not with fluffy content

Have the courage to show up on LinkedIn as beautifully, authentically, uniquely you.

Yes, that is the scariest kind of content, comments, and DMs to create, but it’s also the only thing that really matters.

Because the rest is just noise that will immediately blend into the sea of sameness bullshit that dominates online.

Your life, career, and business deserve better. And the kind of impact you truly can create in the world deserve more from you.

In love and growth,

P.S. 🐙 If you’re tired of blending into the sea of sameness, letting fear win in life, and being an octopus on rollerskates (a whole lot of action with little forward momentum), let me help.

Reply to this message or book some time...seriously, do it.

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

4207 SE Woodstock blvd #300 , Portland, OR 97202
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