⚡️PYP: If I could to do it all over again...

Hey Reader,—

When I look at my life today, there is one decision that had the biggest impact on my career and business.

To launch an online course.

It fundamentally changed me as a person, completely transformed my career and business, and opened doors for me that I never could have imagined.

Let’s be real. I had no freaking clue what I was doing. It was a decision made purely with instinct.

But it was the first domino in a whole series that so far, has led to promise and opportunity that still makes me pinch myself to wonder if it’s really real.

More business opportunities. More revenue. More clients. More impact. More purpose.

I know I have a tendency to speak in hyperbole and it would be easy to roll your eyes at this, but I mean it with my whole heart.

Launching a digital course changed my life.

One of the best decisions I ever made.

But if I could do it all over again, I would change one key detail.

I would work with Dr. Monica Rysavy to help me design it.

Not only is she one of my favorite humans on the planet, but she is also The Course Whisperer (unofficial name…for now) and an absolute magician at helping you turn your brilliant expertise into high impact, engaging learning experiences for your ideal customer.

She’s COO of Forte Labs (Tiago Forte of Building a Second Brain’s course empire) and, though we haven’t announced it officially yet, COO of Power Your Platform.

Also she’s got a gazillion advanced degrees and a PhD in Instructional Design.

In short: Girlfriend knows her shit.

And she also happens to be supremely kind, funny, and delightful while translating complex concepts into super accessible, entertaining information that takes your content from meh to WOW.

And here’s the deal…while she normally charges 5 to 6 figures for her consulting, she decided it was time to test her own course.

So she’s running an absurdly affordable beta for THE COURSE CREATOR’S SPRINT: Your 31-Day Bootcamp To Designing A Captivating Online Course That Delivers Results & Positions You As An Expert.

If you are remotely considering launching a course in the next 6 months, you would be a total doofus if you didn’t sign up for this.

Pricing starts at $149, but I highly recommend you opt for personalized coaching with Dr. Monica for $449…plus, PYP subscribers get 20% off.

The Course Creator's Sprint

Who knows…in 2 years, you might be sharing with your audience how this one decision changed YOUR life.

In love and growth,

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

4207 SE Woodstock blvd #300 , Portland, OR 97202
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